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Golden Hawaiian

"Bambusa Vulgaris Vittata"

Golden Hawaiian

Golden Hawaiian bamboo grows to 50 feet with 4 inch culms (canes) and is cold hardy to 27 degrees. Golden Hawaiian is the most common tropical bamboo and has been cultivated in the warmer regions of the United States for more than 50 years. The Golden Hawaiian bamboo culms are bright yellow with random green stripes of varying widths . The culms are wide spaced and form fairly open clumps. It is also known as "painted" bamboo.




  • 3 Gallon, 4-6 feet with 1-3 canes

  • 15 Gallon, 10-12 feet with 3+ canes 

  • 25 Gallon, 11-14 feet with 4+ canes 

Other sizes available for purchase at the nursery. Please call for more information.

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